Tuesday, July 29

Day 210: Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day

This day is puzzling, mostly because nobody actually seems to know what it means. The best story I could find is that folks used to buy cheese and 'sacrifice' it to catch rodents in their house. Since we are currently rodent-free, we went with the alternative meaning of this day, which is to 'sacrifice' one's budget on a fancier-than-usual cheese. Alex purchased a lovely Gouda at Safeway. If you know Alex, this is pretty fancy for him.

Fun Gouda fact: It's named after a city in Holland, but only because that was where all of the Hollandic farmers used to trade their cheeses back in the Middle Ages. It's yellow, slightly creamy and delicious. I love the red wax! I asked Alex if it was "Gouda," (classic cheese-y joke) and he said it was okay-da. Ha!

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