Wednesday, November 12

Day 316: Pizza With Everything Day (Except Anchovies)

I love pizza. I think we all know that by now. I'm also very picky about my toppings. I mainly stick with pepperoni, black olive, pineapple, or jalapeno. I hate pretty much everything else.

I ordered from Rudy's. It took a while to order, because ordering was complicated. I think if I actually order one with everything I would have broken their computer and oven. The tab would have also been about $120. To make it easy on the both of us, I had them make their "junk" pizza and added jalapenos and roasted garlic. I swear I was on the phone for 10 minutes trying to work out a compromise.

I took a bite. I also swallowed it. Hated every bite. The one bite. Liz loved it. I mainly ate the back up pizza.

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