Friday, June 13

Day 164: Kitchen Klutzes of America

So this isn't any type of food other than home cooking. I thought I would really get into the spirit of the day and attempt something I've never done before. I had Liz grab me one of her cookbooks. She chose Kitchen Seasons by Ross Dobson. I don't know if I trust the look of that guy.

To make it really interesting and not planned I used an excel worksheet to pick a random page. I had it pick something from the summer recipes since this is summer. The first page that got picked didn't work since I didn't have an ice cream maker nor did I want to make another eggy disaster. The second random page seemed doable. I got Crispy Skinned Salmon with Salsa Verde Rice.

After work I took a trip to New Season to get pretty much every ingredient except the oils, salt, and pepper. The recipe was a little iffy on quantities. I didn't know how much a hand full of basil was. Is that a tightly packed handful, loose handful with some hanging out the side, a Ross Dobson hand sized handful?  I did what I could and timed it to be finished perfectly with Liz's arrival.

It wasn't bad. I think it would have been better had I gotten the salmon from behind the counter rather than pre-packaged. Liz ate the rest and loved it.

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