Friday, August 8

Day 220: Frozen Custard

If I lived in Eau Claire still this would have been easy. I'd go to my old place of work Culver's. But this is not the midwest. I rarely pay any attention to the specifics of the frozen treat I'm eating. Call it what you want; I call it tasty. Frozen custard is not the same as ice cream. That was made very appoint when I worked at Culver's. I never did really learn the difference. I think custard has egg in it.  A quick google and it seems that's right. I found 2 places that seemed to "for sure" sell frozen custard. I didn't know how to bike to Vancouver so I took a 7.5 mile bike south to J Gelati Italian Ice Frozen Custard in Milwaukie. I nearly missed it when I got down there. If it weren't for the classic red/green table umbrellas I might not have see it at all.

They had over 50 flavors to choose from. I decided on egg nog since I love that stuff and I only get to drink it in December. Plus it seemed a fitting flavor for this treat. If I had to go back, I'd pick the same thing. Now I know where to feed my non-December egg nog fix. It was very sweet and not too heavy. After the trek home, my stomach still doesn't hate me. Thumbs up.

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