Wednesday, September 24

Day 267: Cherries Jubilee

Yep, we're boozing it up in the morning. Alex's family is currently en route to Portland, so we wanted to get this done before they arrived. I looked up Paula Deen's recipe for Cherries Jubilee, which seemed easy enough. It was quite simple until we got to the Flambé step. Our brandy, she would not light! Alex tried many things, including adding more brandy, attempting to light the brandy in a separate vessel and adding even more brandy. A quick search on Flambé revealed that alcohol must be heated prior to lighting because of flash points and such.

That's about as big as the flame got. We wanted a big WHOOSH that singed our eyebrows, but no such luck. The dessert was pretty good, until Alex got to the bottom and discovered the extra brandy. We may have added a little too much.

Cherries Jubilee was created by Auguste Escoffier for one of Queen Victoria's Jubilee celebrations, although it's unclear if it was in 1887 or 1897. If you're a regular reader of this blog (anyone?), you may recall Escoffier from the Peach Melba entry. He was certainly a badass dessert chef.

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