Saturday, October 4

Day 277: Tacos

Tacos are my all time favorite food. My desert island food, my 'if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life' food. I had it all planned out to go to These Guys food truck at the Brooklyn Park Pub, but, alas, it wasn't open yet. Alex and I had been helping the Wilborns move and were therefore ravenous (well at least I was), so instead of waiting for those guys to arrive, we drove over to Por Que No on Hawthorne. There was a stupid line! Given my policy of not waiting in line for trendy spots, we left and headed down to Cha Cha Cha and finally we got tacos.

Carnitas and Al Pastor. Yum. It's a good thing I've never met a taco I didn't like, because we kind of had to settle for Cha Cha Cha. I'll have to save myself for a pork shoulder taco another day.

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