Tuesday, October 14

Day 287: Dessert

We bowl on Tuesdays and this one seemed to fit with our schedule. We eat at the lanes, so we could just tack on dessert. I wanted to do something completely different than any of the other days. I knew even the day before I was going to get the funnel cake sticks. I didn't. When I looked at the menu, the sticks were... erased! We asked our usual server and she explained about regular complications with the distributor. I was very disappointed, yet she was quite eager to sell me on the giant cookie with ice cream. She even offered to switch up the ala mode. I couldn't think of any other replacement to my satisfaction, so I resigned to the behemoth with moose tracks.

Liz was delighted by the cast iron skillet. She was practically giddy. As for my liking, I loved it. The skillet kept the cookie at its gooeiest. The ice cream was also the best complement to the dish adding some wetness to wash it down. I guess it's better than the funnel sticks, but not as cool.

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