Friday, October 31

Day 304: Candy Apple

Another fitting day for the times. Unfortunately we misread the day and made caramel apples. I ate two of them too. I didn't notice the mistake until I started to write the blog. I was hoping caramel apples would be a subset of candy apples, but no luck. I rushed to Liz and got her to work on the new treats. I don't work well when I'm freaked out. She found a recipe and I got to work uncarameling an apple.  The recipe she found actually used some of our leftover candy corn. Perfect!

This was a feat to try and eat. I almost had to dislodge my jaw.  Getting a bite with apple in it was the second hurdle.  This is not good. Why would anyone have this when there are caramel apples out there? This thing truly scares me.

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