Wednesday, October 15

Day 288: Chicken Cacciatore

Chicken Cacciatore is traditionally a winter dish, but I suppose it's close enough to mushroom season to squeak by. We went to the place down the street, DeNicola's. It's one of those spots that have obviously been there forever, but we'd never been. Yelp reviews were spotty, so I was semi-worried. Despite the very random decor, the waitstaff was nice and the atmosphere was homey. When Alex ordered his dish, he was given the choice of spaghetti or ravioli, which was slightly weird.

Tiny little ravioli! He was slightly distressed that the Cacciatore was served Hunter's Style (bone in), but he worked through it beautifully.

It was good. Lots of marinara. He ate a lot of it and then finished my spaghetti and meatballs. And all of the bread. The boy can eat!

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