Sunday, May 11

Day 131: Eat What You Want

Super easy day made hard. Since today is also Mother's Day, I decided to eat something that reminded me of my mom. A number of things came to mind like chili or meatloaf, even rice with soy sauce, but those are mostly things she made me. I couldn't think of many meals that my mom went crazy for, plus I didn't really want a full meal. I decided to go for just one type of food. The first thing that came to mind was Vidalia onions, but that would probably be impossible to find. The next thing I thought of was kohlrabi. I've never really heard any one mention kohlrabi other than my mom. She would occasionally have some raw kohlrabi slices with a bit of salt. So I went with that and started my search.

New seasons was without as well as Fred Meyer. We called Uwajimaya to see what they had and it appeared that they had run out. Well, we were getting closer. We called Fubonn, but they didn't know how phones worked so we just drove there. Thanks to Liz's help we got what we needed.

I just sliced up what we needed and got to eating. Liz probably ate most of it. It does make a lovely snack. Oh, and Happy Mother's Day as well. Love You!

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