Thursday, May 29

Day 149: Coq Au Vin

I have no idea how to pronounce this either. I've been told about 90 times by Liz since I started this project, but It doesn't stick in my brain. Quack O'Viin? CocoVaughn? The second one sounds right.

I was not looking forward to it at all. It simply looked disgusting in pictures. When I got home, Liz had left it stewing in the crock pot, so the place smelled damn good. Well maybe this would be too bad.

I started with a scared demeanor and ready to let it fall from my mouth to the sink. I gave it a chew. Hhhhmmm?! It wasn't to bad. It started to grow on me. It has a "dark" or "burnt" flavor to it. I'd definitely do this again.

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