Friday, May 16

Day 136: Coquilles St. Jacques

Huuughff!!! Damn these days. This seems so disgusting even the name is ugly. Cwakels Saint Jackes? If I could have found a different day for this I would have.

Since I didn't have time to wait for a dinner menu today, I had to make this myself. Liz picked up the ingredients for me at New Seasons and I got to work with a recipe from Scallops, mushrooms, and onions? Why? Now my hands are all smelly, as well as the apartment. I had to skillet the meat then the other stuff then broil it all. Waaaay to much work. And another visit from mister smoke alarm.

Uuuuuaaahh! Huu. Aaauuwu. Yeah. That about sums it up. Now to burn my tongue off.

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