Thursday, April 10

Day 100: Cinnamon Crescents

This is a good day turned bad. I woke up and my back tire had a flat, so I had to pump Liz's bike's tires and ride her bike to work. I'm pretty sure Liz decided to make some of the crescents for me so that when I got home I'd have a treat to help me sooth my irksome start. I'm pretty sure she used this recipe. She said she'd make half and leave the others in the fridge for me to make.

When I got home, I had to fix her bike because there were some broken parts; hell, while I was at it, I decided to fix the shelves in the bathroom too. At least I got some lovely treats while I worked. I didn't get a picture of the ones she made because I ate them so fast. After eating them I started on the fresh batch. Unfortunately, I left the bag of glaze in the wrong place so I had glaze and melted plastic dripping down everywhere. Not only that, but I had the smoke detector screaming at me off and on the whole time. I hate that thing. So no glaze for this batch.

oh, you tasty troublemakers

 After I pulled them out, I finally got a taste of the fresh batch. They are really good even without the glaze. Though the glaze would really have been the... icing on the cake?!

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