Wednesday, April 16

Day 106: Eggs Benedict

Ah, what a comedy of errors. For our Eggs Benedict (hereby referred to as EB from now on), we went to Holman's, whose website said they served breakfast all day and had EB on the menu. When we talked to the waitress, she said they did not serve EB all day. So we drank our water and headed to New Seasons Market (dot com!) and collected our ingredients. I found a great recipe that explained in detail how to easily poach eggs and prepare Hollandaise sauce in the blender. I instructed Alex through the process.

Well, the smoke detector went off (which always happens when we use the broiler) as Alex was poaching the egg and melting the butter for the sauce. This resulted in the egg being a wee bit too overdone and the sauce was quite runny, BUT. It was delightful! Creamy, lemony sauce with a kick of cayenne and eggs done, truthfully, exactly how I like them. Alex had one bite and gave the rest to me. Hooray!

The very best thing is that now Alex knows how to make EB and we still have tons of supplies for more. I'm thinking Sunday morning I'll have him give it another go.

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