Sunday, April 6

Day 96: Caramel Corn

Growing up in Portland, no trip to Lloyd Center was complete without a visit to Joe Brown's Carmel Corn shop. Despite the fact that they spell caramel carmel, the product is without a doubt fantastic. Only trouble was (for me) that I preferred a savory popcorn to a caramel corn. Often my father would sneak off and return with a huge box of carmel corn, and the family would gleefully scarf it down while my cutoff was about two pieces. Oh, well. So, for nostalgia's sake, I took Alex to Joe Brown's for our caramel corn treat.

EXACTLY the same

After telling Alex the above story, he sweetly offered to let me have anything I wanted there. I quickly refused, and then just as quickly changed my mind. Why yes, I would have a buttered popcorn, all to myself. Ain't he great?

We also got him a new snappy shirt. Alex loved the carmel corn, and I, for once, did not need any. I had my own, sans caramel.

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