Monday, April 14

Day 104: Pecan

I am not a fan of pecans (or walnuts) so this was all Alex. He snacked on them while I did a little background research on the pecan. Like many 'nuts,' the pecan is not a nut- it's a drupe. A drupe is a fruit with a stone or pit, surrounded by a husk. It's very similar to a walnut, although a walnut contains about twice as much Omega-6 as a pecan.

I had planned to get pecans in bulk, but New Seasons Market (dot com!) was out, so I purchased Woodstock Organic Pecan Halves. Alex ate them up quickly.

One more cool thing about pecans- the trees can live to be more than 300 years old! I wonder if our pecans came from a tree that age-d. That would be cool.

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