Sunday, April 13

Day 103: Peach Cobbler

Well, it's not peach season until next week, and even then it's pretty early. So we had some bags of frozen peaches on hand and we defrosted them throughout the day while we relaxed at Hagg Lake. The recipe we found was weird. It said to melt a stick of butter in the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan, then mix flour, sugar (a whole cup), milk, an egg and baking powder and then pour it evenly over the melted butter. Ummm, a thick, gelatinous mixture spread evenly? Ok. Then we were supposed to mix the peaches, ANOTHER cup of sugar, nutmeg and cinnamon (of which we had to self-grind) and pour it, without mixing, over all of that. The results were, well, not amazing.

Unfortunately, despite the lone egg in the recipe, the cobbler was super eggy. Like, gross eggy. I was unable to finish my portion. Alex finished his, but he did not like it. Too bad.

Oh man. I was hoping for so much more. I guess we need to screen our recipes better the next time.

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