Sunday, February 2

Day 33: Heavenly Hash

One would assume that Heavenly Hash is something savory, involving potatoes and
possibly cheese or sausage. You could also assume that Heavenly Hash is something of the weed-ish persuasion, illicitly so. But it's not. It's weird. And it's gross.

This horrifying concoction includes white rice, maraschino cherries, crushed pineapple, mini marshmallows and whipped cream. Other recipes we found also added mandarin oranges and nuts. Other other recipes called Heavenly Hash a candy. Other other other recipes made Heavenly Hash out to be an ice cream. I guess the conclusion is that nobody actually knows what Heavenly Hash is. Alex, the king of sweet things, did not like Heavenly Hash.

He said that the rice made it taste like "there were bugs in there." Darrin says Heavenly Hash "gave his teeth diabetes." The most unsettling thing is that the recipe we found had several reviews, many of them mentioning that they found the dish at their neighborhood Hometown Buffet. Ewwwwww.

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