Saturday, February 8

Day 39: Molasses Bar

I can't help but think of the expression "The secret ingredient is love." This is not one of those times. From the very start of this damn dessert I have hated this and have only grown to hate it more. Liz found a recipe from a site called Jen's favorite cookies and made a list of things I should pick up at Safeway. After she left for work, I bundled up and headed on my way through the current winter wonderland. I spent way too much time looking for things. I had no idea where the molasses was, didn't know what kind of cloves or ginger to get, and what the hell are cinnamon chips? I didn't bother with those. After asking for help with the molasses, I was out of there... ish. Once I got to the checkout I noticed that I had smashed one of the eggs with the basket handle. After getting new eggs, I was really out of there. I got home and started right in on making the damn bars. In collecting the ingredients I came to discover we were out of butter. I didn't bother rebundling up and headed back out into the white jungle. Plaid Pantry didn't have any so I made my way through the sludge filled crapfest to Walgreen's to pick up the butter.

Once I got home again I toiled at the list that seemed to nag at me. Why are there so many stupid little things on this list? I portioned everything first so I didn't have to keep referencing the computer in between mixing. I had to grind the cloves myself meaning I got to use the mortar and pestle for the first time. Not something I was looking forward to. Since I didn't get cinammon chips, I doubled the cinnamon and added some more chocolate chips. I slapped it all together and threw it in a foil lined pan. That seemed stupid to me because I'd probably have tiny foil bits stuck in the bars then. As I waited for them to bake I did the dishes. The bars didn't smell too bad, but I still hate them.

The bars turned out much more bread-like than I expected them to. I was assuming they'd be more brownie-like. They are kind of tasty. Not tasty enough to warrant me making them again. They'd probably be better if I had used cinnamon chip and less hate in the recipe.

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