Friday, February 28

Day 59: National Chocolate Souffle Day

Liz looked around for a place to get chocolate soufflé and the only place she found was Veritable Quandary. I've passed by this place a number of times on my way home from work, but I've never actually been inside. Liz also let me know that I should probably call ahead since soufflés take a while to make. I was a little bit of a confusing call since I only wanted dessert. It turned out ok though.
Since I work from home on Fridays, I had to essentially bike to work after I finished work. I was showing up during the slow hours so I got my pick of seat. Quite cozy. I' not sure that calling ahead helped much since it still took awhile to see my prize.
I look happy, don't I?
The soufflé was utter fluffy but not very sweet. All the sweetness came from the chocolate syrup they drizzled on it after they popped the top. Pretty good. I'd definitely order one again. Probably no time soon though.

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