Wednesday, February 26

Day 57: Chili

Chili is one of those dishes that can vary greatly from recipe to recipe, so in the spirit of familiarity, Alex got his mom's recipe (Thanks, Mo!). The most surprising part of Mo's recipe was the 48 ounce can of tomato juice, which I have to say added lots of flavor and made the consistency more liquidy. It turned out super good. I was slightly worried that it may have been too spicy, but I shouldn't have been. This is what Alex does to his chili:

Sour cream, cheese, Sriracha, cayenne pepper AND chili powder. He's nuts! He also made cornbread to go with the chili, which he calls johnny cake, and covered the whole slice in syrup. Crazy Wisconsinite. I prefer my chili a bit more traditional:

Just cheese, onions and oyster crackers. Delicious!

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