Thursday, February 20

Day 51: Cherry Pie

I almost made a huge mistake. I had accidentally switched today with the 22nd. The only reason I noticed the mistake was because of my brother's radio show that I listen to from time to time. Their regular Thursday guest, Siri Freeh, happened to mention that today was National Cherry Pie day. This warranted a lot of Warrant drops here and there. So thanks, Ben and Siri, for notifying me of my error.

I then began my search for cherry pie in Portland. There are plenty of places that make pie, but most do there own fancy pies and a number of seasonal pies. Since this isn't July, I was out of luck and just picked up a Marie Callender's pie from Safeway on the bike ride home. I didn't get a standard pie though. I was too tempted by the Cherry Crunch Pie. It's basically a cherry pie, but with the sugary crumble of a dutch apple pie. It took an hour to bake and another two hours to cool. It was killing me to have to smell it while I did my after work exercise routine.

Damn good! Worth every minute of the wait. So good, I'm gonna have another slice.

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