Friday, January 10

Day 10: Bittersweet Chocolate

This day has been responsible for me having the song Bittersweet by Big Head Todd and the Monsters stuck in my head for the past few days. Not too bad, since Liz got Timber by Pitbull ft. Ke$ha stuck in there previous to that. Very odd, since 1: Liz hates most of this genre, especially Pitbull and B: I've barely heard more than 20 seconds of the song.
I make my chocolate feel sexy.
So from the minimum amount of research I did in the Internet, bittersweet chocolate is a type of dark chocolate. It has less sugar than semisweet chocolate which could probably have been determined by name alone. Liz picked up Baker's chocolate. This one happens to be 66% cacao and is pretty damn good. It was nice and crumbly. A serving size is 2 pieces and I had all 16. This is why I shouldn't be left alone with candy in my apartment.

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