Wednesday, January 1

Day 1: Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary: 1 part vodka, 2 parts tomato juice. Add spices and garnish at will.

The drink is said to be the antidote to a hangover, which is something Alex has never and most likely will never experience.


We set out to find the best Bloody Mary in Portland, rumored to be at Jam on Hawthorne. Alas, as we drove by, the sidewalk outside Jam teemed with trendy kids (some would say it was Jam-packed). Never mind.
Next up, Screen Door, a place I'd always wanted to try. Screen Door was also a no-go. We are not fans of waiting in long lines.
So we happened upon Holman's, which featured a Make-Your-Own-Bloody-Mary bar. Well, you get a glass of vodka and ice and add all the fixins, so it's more like an Add-Your-Choice-Of-Spices-And-Garnish bar. Cool.

We didn't actually get to use the bar. The waitress brought us an already made Bloody Mary and quickly realized she had screwed up. After comping the premade Bloody Mary, she promised she would bring a glass of vodka and ice over so that we could correct the error. It never happened, and the service left much to be desired in our New Year's Day experience. But this video of Alex trying said Bloody Mary makes it all worthwhile.

I drank the rest of the Bloody Mary and it was delicious. It did not taste like spiced ketchup, by the way. Picky, picky!

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