Sunday, January 19

Day 19: Popcorn

First, this:

Popcorn is one of my top foods. I will eat it whenever, wherever, however. It's best with melted butter and plenty of salt, and sometimes nutritional yeast. For national popcorn day, Alex and I ascended on my parents' house, first because my mom has the magical popcorn pot, and second because Comcast is evil and does not want us to watch football at our apartment. Go Seahawks! Oof, a fumble already. Not looking good and we are only 10 seconds into the game. Anyway, my mother's popcorn pot is older than me and makes the absolute best stovetop popcorn EVER. We used Bob's Red Mill yellow popcorn and canola oil, then doused the batch with a stick of melted butter and generous amounts of salt.

My father had a tin of Christmas popcorn left over (notice the bag of caramel popcorn is completely gone) and Alex and I picked up a weird chocolate bar with half-popped popcorn in it from Komforte Chockolates at New Seasons Market (dot com!).
Popcorn party! Go Hawks!

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