Wednesday, January 22

Day 22: Blonde Brownie

 Today is Blonde Brownie Day, or Blondie Day, and I wish it were Dagwood Day (mmmm, savory sandwich). I am almost always anti-nuts in baked goods, because I think that an ooey-gooey confection shouldn't be ruined by interlopers- walnuts are the worst! Don't get me wrong, I love nuts on their own, just not in baked goods. Alex does not share this feeling. His philosophy is that sugar is as sugar does, and it's all good. So. Blonde Brownies are brown sugar- based treats that usually contain coconut, toffee, chocolate and frequently pecans and <shudder> walnuts.

We got the Blonde Brownie at New Seasons Market (dot com!), which makes them fresh every day. Considering I never look for such things, I was unaware of this fact. Alex liked it, and did not care about the nuts.

Ain't he cute?

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