Saturday, January 25

Day 25: Irish Coffee

Hahahahahaha. This.

Irish Coffee can be delicious. The combo of Irish whiskey, coffee, sugar and whipped cream has been around since the 1940s, when Irishman Joe Sheridan added whiskey to coffee to warm American passengers of a Pan Am flying boat (!!!) on a stormy winter's evening in West Ireland.
Plus it's really fun to watch the whipped cream fall through the hot coffee and whiskey.

I think the Irish coffee probably tasted so gross to Alex because it was not properly stirred. He must have tasted mostly coffee and some whiskey, which, let's be honest, is not the most pleasant thing. I have stirred the coffee and it is warming the cockles of my heart.
Now that I'm properly schnockered (Irish coffee done!), it's time to go to my brother-in-law's birthday party. Thanks, Bill at the Clubhouse for the delicious drink.

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