Sunday, January 26

Day 26: Pistachios

We would love to recreate this scene for you, but the video will have to do, poorly spelled title and all. How can someone misspell 'naked' and then spell 'pistachios' correctly? I'll never know and it will bother me for a long time. Alex could certainly eat the amount of pistachios Leslie Nielsen appears to eat in that scene. We got a bag of Woodstock Farms Organic Dry Roasted and Salted Pistachios at, you guessed it, New Seasons Market (dot com!).

I was too slow on the draw, refusing pistachios just after we woke up. So I did not have any and now I think something's wrong with Alex.

Pistachios undergo a trait called dehiscence, which is the "splitting open along a built-in line of weakness at maturity." No pistachios for me, but at least I learned a new word.

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