Sunday, March 9

Day 68: Crab Meat

Poor, poor Alex. Despite finally getting his long awaited Kickstarter game, Fleet, which is all about deep sea fishing, he can't bring himself to like crab meat. In fact, he even ordered special crab animeeples for the game, which I'm sure makes this day even worse.

It's mocking you, Alex.
We got the tiniest amount of Dungeness crab meat from New Seasons Market (dot com!). Alex was able to keep the crab meat in his mouth for maybe three seconds, after which he spit it out, swished water in his mouth and rinsed with mouthwash.

We're hoping that Carl Wilborn will finish off the remainder of the crab meat. I don't think Alex will allow it to stay in the house. Off to play Fleet! I wonder if Alex will still bid on or launch crab boats...

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