Saturday, March 22

Day 81: Water

I definitely drink a lot of water, mostly of the sparkling persuasion. I prefer Crystal Geyser Sparkling Mineral Water, and plain only. None of that flavored shite for me. I have Alex on board with me, and that's good because he is not a devoted water drinker like me. New Seasons Market (dot com!) is having a great sale on my water today (4 for $5!) so I bought a case.

I know, I know. In a world where millions (probably billions) of people struggle for clean water, I should not be drinking bottled water. We do have a SodaStream machine at home, but we're housesitting for our friends this week. So we have sparkly water! I only hope that Alex is drinking water today. He is at softball practice and it is sunny and 65 degrees. Now to get outside, and I'll definitely take my water with me.

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